Just saw Queen on 14th March. It was marvelous. It was a house full and it says lot about the movie. What Zindagi Mileage Na Dobra was to the young boys and men, maybe Queen is the same to the young girls and women.
It’s about rediscovering oneself without any pretentions, and inhabitations. I have been waiting for someone to make this kind of movie where director and writer tell a story about us that what we want from life, what we want and think most importantly what women of today can do if we are rejected in love or in work place and at home or anywhere.
I am very disheartened that no “female directors” have guts to make women oriented movie in a light hearted way without “preaching” us. Everyone running after “Male Heroes” for there movies and making “bromance”. Hindi film directors should take a lesson from this movie and now make different movie with heroine being central figure. I would give producer, director and writer a pat on their backs for making Queen. I want hug and kiss Kangana for doing this film, she has shown that with good script and story what can be done and producers have faith in her.
I have always admired her work she deserves all the awards if she get nominated and national award for the mind-blowing, marvelous, awesome, sweet and simple and impactful performance and pl don’t do any more” Rascals”. The movie also says that it okay if you’re not married there is life beyond marriage.

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