We’ve had a makeover. That goes for almost all of us. It’s a makeover in the way we function from day to day, because almost everything we do is done in a different way these days. And it’s all because of the internet. In a major way, online access has changed how we do things. Think about it. When once we turned to more traditional venues – newspapers, magazines, the airwaves – to get our information, we now turn to the internet. It affects everything, from our most serious activities, like buying a home or investing, to our recreations, such as playing games or viewing movies. That fact that we look to Bollykings.com for reliable, informative and up-front news and reviews about India’s films and the Bollywood industry is indicative of this functional makeover. We know that BollyKings gives us as much, if not more, than any other destination when it comes to information about current movies and about our nation’s film heritage.
The “I” effect
But there are plenty of examples of this makeover in other arenas. Many bloggers and website entrepreneurs have carved out their own little niches over the internet. That’s because the vast reach of the internet can make the smallest niche a popular one. Lotteries and the people who play them have undergone the internet makeover. The lottery is traditional game of numbers that has been around for centuries. Lotteries helped finance anything fomr the Great Wall of China to the first American colony at Jamestown. Out of favor with the law for a period of time, lotteries went underground and became the domain of organized crime. Now, however, there are hundreds of legal and regulated lotteries sponsored by states, provinces and nations around the world and used for revenue to finance all sorts of government programs and projects. But playing the lottery is no longer a simple matter of purchasing a couple of tickets at the corner shop and hoping for the best. Online access has created a whole new type of lottery destination and a whole new type of player.
A new profile
The new online lottery player is one who scans the entire world of lottery games in search of the best jackpots and the best odds. These players have devised all sorts of money-management strategies to enhance their winnings and reduce their losses. They know that every day they can find at least one game somewhere in the world that offers the best chance of winning. And they know that while hitting the big jackpot may be out of their range, matching two or three numbers in one of the of various lottery games they play, can keep their play alive. The internet has made things easier for these players. Now there are centralized websites that provide information on all of the lottery games worldwide. These hubs of online lottery games not only offer results of hundreds of lottery games, but provide tips and guides on how to play them, advice on various payment/withdrawal systems, and eligibility rules and regulations for each game.
Regulations are a big thing in the lottery world. For instance, most online lottery players in India can play the Mega Millions game in the United States, but Mega Millions may not accept players from other places on the globe. In turn, there are many players in the U.S. who do not qualify to play lottery games in India. So knowledge of the law where a player lives is crucial. Despite the mish-mash of restrictions throughout the world, the online lottery players and the websites that serve them exemplify how wide-ranging the internet makeover has been.

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